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Note on Birth Certificate

Posted: 25 Apr 2021, 23:02
by Jacobs-Barnes
adopt3.JPG (16.04 KiB) Viewed 1647 times
adopted2.jpg (521 KiB) Viewed 1647 times
I wonder if any one can explain as, although I am an experienced Family Historian' the subject matter is not one I have had any need to investigate.
Background to query I have been aware of facts relating to my Mother in Law for the past 10 years but have agreed to not reveal them to my wife or the person who's Birth Certificate (Person A) is extracted from. Recently following the death of the husband of person A a Birth Certificate was requested by Pension people for benefit payment. The daughter of A asked the Register Office for A's Birth Certificate when registering the Death of her Father. Registrar said they could not issue and they should refer to Adoption site. As I am aware of most of the facts ( A was raised by her Grandparents and brought up with my wife and my in-laws) and as A's daughter was not at that time aware of what I knew I requested a Birth Certificate from the GRO on my account. When it arrived it had the note shown in adopt3 I passed the information on to A's Daughter as she was doing the paperwork for her, A is in her late 70's. I had a conversation explaining the Elderly Aunts warning off of my knowledge 10 years ago. We are both hoping to keep it under wraps from A and my wife. A's daughter in preparation for more information coming to light as she completes her late fathers estate requested from GRO web site the details of the adoption and got the reply adopted2
Question is there a way of obtaining the paperwork showing the Grandparents adoption as this would be much kinder if we have to have a conversation with A and her half sister. The Birth Certificate clearly indicates A's mother as my MIL but no father is named and MIL did not marry wifes dad until 1947

Re: Note on Birth Certificate

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 09:51
by AntonyM
The original entry has been annotated as "adopted" and that happens when the court granting the adoption application notifies the superintendent registrar who holds the original birth record.

There should always be an entry in the Adopted Children Register, made at the same time, but it may not be in the same name as the original birth.

Re: Note on Birth Certificate

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 11:40
by Jacobs-Barnes
Thank you AntonyM.
How can I obtain information of the adoption information? Is person A's daughter entitled to apply and to where? We don't really want to distress person A just be in total possession of the facts should we have to reveal the truth to both person A and her half sister.

Re: Note on Birth Certificate

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 11:46
by AntonyM
You can search the index of the Adopted Children Register on microfiche at one of the six designated libraries that hold up to date GRO indexes, but at the moment that might not be possible due to Covid rules. If you identify a likely entry you can order a certificate from GRO in the normal way.

Accessing adoption records is possible for children of adopted people, but if the person is still alive then it may need their permission. ... access.htm